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Accommodation Siófok - Luxury apartment next to the Yacht Club

Accommodation Siófok - Vacation rental, Luxury Apartment next to the Yacht Club at the beach in city centre 500 m from Siófok Main Square, 30 m close to Lake Balaton beach.
Vacation rental - Accommodation Siófok - Luxury Apartment next to the Yacht Club at the beach in city centre 500 m from Siófok Main Square, 30 m close to Lake Balaton beach.
Vacation rental for max. 2+2 pers., min. one week from saturday - to saturday.


-Welcome and greetings to our future customers! - Private accommodation, vacation rental, located in the peaceful area of Siófok, just a few minutes walk from the city center and the beach. Fulfilling all the needs, for a carefree vacation: WIFI connection, air conditioning, fully equipped kitchen, 1 bedroom, and 1 living room, satellite TV - more languages available, barbecue equipment, roofed terrace. Suitable for maximum of 4 persons.
- The city center is 5-10 minutes walk away from the property, which makes it more peaceful and regarding the comfortable distance from the loud, lively and sometimes crowded hearth of the city.
- Ask for an offer by filling in the form, we gladly answer any of your questions! Don’t hesitate to contact us in English on phone +36302376000 , WhatsUpp, Viber, Messenger!


-COVID-19.- Fully separated apartment, with no other guests and landlord. In our vacation rental housekeeping protocols and sanitization standards have always been a top priority in our accommodation. Vacation rental for max. 4 pers., min. one week from saturday - to saturday in high sommer saison.


- Online booking- Vacation Rental Siófok - At your service all the year, 24/7, from 60,-EUR / day / apartment. - Please be aware of that, asking for an offer does not mean booking! You can get the offer, by filling in the form on the site. Please give as many details as possible, to get the most accurate offer! Your information is handled with care and discretion! The booking is complete and confirmed by transfering the 30% deposit, after accepting our offer. Then we will send you a final e-mail (Voucher of your confirmed booking) with details and information about the accommodation.
- Customer service: +36 30 237 6000 - in English, German, Hungarian. Phone, Facetime, Viber, Messenger, WhatsApp! +36302376000

General description of the accommodation:
- Location: approx. 500 m form Siófok Main Square, 30 m from the beach.
- Owner: does not live in the apartment, fluent in English and German.
- Living room: seating units, two exra bed, satellite television, free WIFI.
- Bedroom: 1 double-bed.
- Kitchen: fridge (100 l), cutlery, microwave, electric kettle, gas stove, coffee machine, tableware, glasses (from coffee cups to wine glasses), pots.
- Bathroom: bath tub, sink, shower, hair dryer, WC.
- The price includes: accomodation rent for max. 4 persons, water, electricity, TV, WIFI.
- Not included: tourist taxes (VAT) - 400 HUF/night after each adult guest.
- Booking: e-mail or telephone. We request a deposit (30% of the whole price) in advance.
- High season:min. booking one week from Saturday - to Saturday!
- Payment: In cash at arrival or bank transfer in advance.
- Payment 2.: We can accept bank cards as a payment.
- Receipt: voucher or invoice.
- Parking, bicycle storage: free parking place inside the property (maximum for 1 car).
- Arrival: From 15:00, besides high season, we are flexible and 100% adaptable to our guests.
- Leaving: On the day of departure, please leave by 10:00 am.
- Responsibility: The owner does not take responsibility for the losses or expenses of incidental break-ins or thefts! Any damage caused by improper use of the accommodation or any equipment must be refunded by the renter!

For the best experience, choose our peaceful, safe, full-comfort option, close to the lively and colorful hearth of our city!

Accommodation pricesApartment max. 4 pers
January 3. - April 30.20.000,- HUF/day
May 1. - May 31.25.000,- HUF/day
June 01. - June 30.30.000,- HUF/day
July 01. - August 31.49.000,- HUF/day
Family discunt 2+2
two kids under 14 with parents
45.000,- HUF/day
September 01. - December 19.25.000,- HUF/day
December 20. - January 02.35.000,- HUF/day
Tourist TAX400,- Ft / day/ adults

PANORAMA APARMENT - Accommodation Siófok

- Accommodation Siófok - nice, luxury, airconditioned apartment for 2+2 pers. for rent. The Family Kerekes would like to welcome you to the "Panorama Kucko Apartment" in Siófok! The accommodation can be rented as a tourist accommodation. Located in a peaceful, unfrequented street, direcly at the beach and city centre and facilities (Main Square, beach, Beach House, Petőfi venue, Siófok Yacht Port, shops, restaurants) approx. 5 -10 minutes of walk. The apartment not available ONLY for a weekend. Our accomodation is perfectly suitable for couples and families for a holiday BUT NOT FOR WEEKEND PARTY TOURISTS! 


- The apartment is 40 m2: kitchen, bath - wc, living room with sat. tv. The private accomodation is ideal for maximum of 4 persons. The accommodation has 1 bedroom with double bed, fully equipped kitchen (refrigerator, microwave, coffee machine, oven), livingroom (couch for 2) (TV, cable TV), bathroom + toilet, terrace, garden with safe, free parking place for 1 car. Accomodation is reserved only for guests, the owner does not live here. The price does not include the local tax. The accommodation is fully airconditioned, stylish, well-equipped, comfortable in the hearth of Siófok at Lake Balaton.


Varga család

Debrecenből érkeztünk kíváncsisággal telve Siófokra. Az elmúlt években külföldön nyaraltunk, 2020-ban a pandémia miatt a Balatont, Siófokot választottuk. "Telitalálat" volt az Anna Ház. Csak mi voltunk, de tényleg nagyon közel mindenhez, ahogy a honlapon is szerepel. Sokat sétáltunk és kerékpároztunk (bicikliket is kaptunk). A strand kiváló, nagyon közel van. A belvárosi elhelyezkedéshez képest minimális forgalom (lakó-pihenő övezet). A házban minden van amire szükségünk volt. A házigazdák nagyon aranyosak és segítőkészek. Ár-érték arány kiváló. Ami rossz volt ..., hogy lejárt a szabadságunk! :) Nagyon köszönjük, még találkozunk!


Kovacsik család

Sokáig kerestük a megfelelő szállást Siófokon, míg végre megtaláltuk az Anna Házat.
Temérdek szállás portálon végigmentünk, majd simán beütöttük a keresőbe. A honlapon minden információt megtaláltunk, képeket, videót is. Nekünk hiteles volt ... és nem csalódtunk. De igen, csak nagyon pozitívan! :) Elegáns a környék, szép a kert, a ház, kedves vendéglátók, akik a közelben laknak. Biztosan jövünk még, ha tehetjük. Szívesen ajánljuk bárkinek! Köszönet érte!


Ralf Hesse

Wunderscöne Lage ganz nah zum Wasser (Plattensee). Das Haus ist sehr sauber, gut Ausgerüstet, klimatisiert + WIFI + Tv deutsche Kanäle auch. Der Gastgeber ist ein sehr netter Kerl, Taxifahrer, spricht hervorragend auf Deutsch und hat uns auf eine Weinverkostung gefahren. Klasse! Danke Emil und die Familie, wir kommern bald wieder!


Gabi és Robi + a három gyerek

Mindent köszönünk, a gyerekeknek is nagyon tetszett. Nagyon jól felszerelt ház, nagyon közel mindenhez, most végre autó nélkül mozoghattunk. Pozitív, hogy kaptunk bicikliket is, így könnyen ment apa reggelente friss zsemléért. Bizosan jövünk még!


Accommodation address: Hungary 8600 Siófok Rigó u. 12.
Telefon: +36302376000
NTAK code: 69419968
Accommodation registration number: 3790/2019
Tax number: 69419968-1-34
Copyright: siofok-ferienhaus.hu © 2009 - 2025

Bokros Család

Hungary 8600 Siófok Rigó u. 12.
NTAK code number:69419968
Registrations number
: 25697297
Tax number: 51336985-1-34
Phone in English: +36302376000